Virtual Reality – das ist die Welt, die in der Brille existiert. Ob auf der Couch, im Museum oder am Strand: Ist der Ort, von dem aus wir uns in die Virtuelle Realität begeben nicht irrelevant für die
Virtual Reality – this is the world that exists in VR glasses. Whether on the couch, in the museum or on the beach: isn’t the place from which we enter Virtual Reality irrelevant for the actual experience? What does this mean for the exhibition of artistic VR works?
Virtual Reality now inspires artists of various genres. When experiencing art, viewers are always at the centre of the artistic experience. How can VR art be presented to the visitors? How can the physical environment be related to the virtual artwork, and does this create an additional quality of perception for the audience? What does the extended spectrum mean for the artistic work?
After a short keynote by Julie Walsh about exhibiting Virtual Reality art we will open the panel for discussion with Gabrielle Roque, Ulrich Schrauth and Julie Walsh, moderated by Tina Sauerländer.
Gabrielle Roque (Director COCOTTE-MINUTE, winner of the international Residency VRHAM! 2019)
Ulrich Schrauth (Artistic Director VRHAM! Virtual Reality & Arts Festival)
Julie Walsh (freelance curator for VR & AR, founder of Walsh Projects)
Tina Sauerländer (founder and director of peer to space)