For the 4th edition of VRHAM! Virtual Reality & Arts Festival, taking place in Hamburg from 4 June to 12 June 2021, we are looking for the latest artistic VR, AR and Mixed Reality projects from all over the world. As one of five partners of the EU project REAL-IN, VRHAM! also calls for applications from individual artists and artist teams who want to explore the possibilities of 3D scanning technology for the development of their projects in a residency. Both Open Calls will start on 1 February 2021.


VRHAM! invites VR artists from all over the world to submit VR, AR and Mixed Reality projects they are currently working on or have recently completed. We accepted installations, 360° films, live performances and interactive works. The selected projects will be presented in the 2021 program, both physically in Hamburg and digitally accessible worldwide. All submitted projects compete for the 5,000 Euro VRHAMMY AWARD, which will be presented by an international jury on the opening night of the festival.

The Open Call starts on 1 February and ends on 28 February 2021.


As one of four partners of the EU project REAL-IN, VRHAM! calls for applications from individual artists and artist teams who want to explore the possibilities of 3D scanning technology for the development of their interactive projects (recently finished or currently in progress) in a weeklong residency. The selected creative team will present the results of the residency during the VRHAM! Festival in Hamburg (4-12 June 2021), both at a conference for the industry and also for the festival audience.

The Open Call starts on 1 February and ends on 15 March 2021.