Since three years INVR.Space has been a partner of VRHAM! The creative services of the Virtual Reality Full Service Studio based in Berlin and Munich are once again in demand for the current digital edition of the festival. An interview with CEO Sönke Kirchhof:
VRHAM! VIRTUAL: What are the biggest challenges for you this year?
SÖNKE KIRCHHOF: Location and heart of the festival in the last two years was Hamburg’s Oberhafenquartier. Now there will be no physical festival, but a digital edition by the name of VRAHM! VIRTUAL. We now have the task of transferring the look and the great set design of the Gleishalle, where the artworks have been presented in the last two years, into the virtual world and all this, because of the current situation, with a rather tight time frame.
VV: So you are now recreating the festival location 1:1 in the virtual Museum of Other Realities, where the artworks will be presented this year?
SK: That’s right, in close coordination with VRHAM!’s set design department we are creating a place that reminds us of the Gleishalle. On the basis of the design drafts, we are currently working on the virtual replica, using the development platform Unity, which is also used for the development of games, and other 3D editing programs.
VV: When you are not working for VRHAM, what are your current projects?
SK: Our company specializes in the development, production and distribution of immersive content. We also rent out special technical equipment. Apart from developing new formats and content, we also work on new technologies and their integration and transfer to other areas and applications. This is currently in high demand, since film festivals and trade fairs will probably be held digitally in the near future. The demand for virtual tools for a more realistic, less game-like appearance is growing continually. We are currently developing a platform for exactly these potential customers, aiming at creating an aesthetically appealing and adapted concept for the virtual space.