The XR History Award is initiated by Körber-Stiftung and VRHAM! Festival e.V. to honour innovative work that uses immersive technology in order to explore history in digital ways. Documentaries, stories or art – various approaches of showing innovative perspectives are welcome. The winning project will be rewarded with 5.000 Euro. An international jury of experts will determine the winner and present the award during the opening ceremony of VRHAM! Festival on 2 June 2022 in Hamburg.
The XR History Award 2022 is initiated by Körber-Stiftung and VRHAM! Festival e.V. (non-profit association).
- Open for submissions from: 24 March 2022
- Submission Deadline: 30 April 2022
- VRHAM! Hamburg: 2 & 3 June 2022
- Award Show & Opening Reception: 2 June 2022
Submission Fee
There is no submission fee.
The Award
The XR History Award money includes a reward of 5.000 Euro. In addition to that, your project will be showcased during the opening ceremony of VRHAM! Hamburg, 2 June 2022 as well as displayed at this year’s eCommemoration Convention by Körber-Stiftung in Autumn 2022 (subject to technical and financial feasibility).
Rules for Submission
- For the XR History Award 2022 we accept Virtual, Augmented, Mixed Reality and Immersive Media Experiences dealing with history, history education or cultural commemoration in documentary, narrative or artistic form.
- The prize winner will be selected by a jury of international experts. The selected work will be publicly displayed during VRHAM! Hamburg 2022 and the eCommemoration Convention, which will take place in early Autumn 2022 in Hamburg. The Exhibition format will be mutually agreed upon and is depending on technical and financial feasibility.
- The duration of the submitted projects should not be longer than 60 Minutes. Exceptions can be made by prior arrangement.
- Any participating project should not have been released before January 2016. Any project that is currently still a work-in-progress should be completed by 15 May 2022 the latest. Exceptions can be made by prior arrangement.
- Projects should be in English, or use their original language with English subtitles.
- Fictionalised perspectives are permitted but should be based on verifiable sources. Works that distort history are explicitly excluded from the award.
- There is no age restriction to join the competition.
- Recipients of the award can be individuals or groups. Organisations funded by governments or the public sector cannot receive the XR History Award. Creative studios working with publicly funded organisations are allowed to apply.
Submission Material
- Applications can be submitted via https://form.jotform.com/220812540787356. The submission is only valid if submitted completely and within the deadline. You can either submit your own project or suggest a project.
- Please submit your files in the following format:
- 360° videos: Maximum file size 2 GB; in H.265; 30 to 60 FPS; a resolution of min. 4K
- Executable VR experiences: Maximum file size 2 GB; min. stable 45 FPS (preferred 60; up to 90 FPS) on OS Windows, Graphics: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1070 or equivalent
- If your experience cannot be viewed via one of our accepted VR headsets (Oculus Quest, HTC Vive Pro/Cosmos, Oculus Rift or similar) or if you are facing problems regarding the above-mentioned format, please contact us.
- In addition to a brief description of the project (format, objectives, ca. 1000 characters), historical material used should also be documented (e.g. sources, eyewitness reports, letters, documents, specialist literature etc.).
Jury and Awarding
A jury of international experts selects the winner of the XR History Award. The award winner will be officially announced and the awarded project showcased during the opening ceremony of VRHAM! Hamburg on 2 June 2022. The exact scope and details of this event depend on further developments concerning Covid-19 and can be subject to changes.
- There is one selection round. The winner will be notified via e-mail or phone until mid-May. Please make sure to provide us with up-to-date contact information.
- By submitting your work, you affirm to hold the complete copyrights, rights of use or any other rights, that are essential for presenting your project during the VRHAM! exhibition 2022 as well as during the eCommemoration Convention 2022. You will grant the organisers, Körber-Stiftung and VRHAM! Festival e.V., the right of use during the two events mentioned above free of charge, to showcase your work publicly.
- You also assure that your work, including the material used, is free of any third-party rights. In case of third parties asserting any claims to the organisers regarding the provided works and materials, the contributor will release us from these claims and will be liable for any necessary legal defence expenses defrayed by the organisers.
- After your project has been selected, there is no possibility of withdrawing your submission.
- You hereby agree to provide the organisers with all materials and information for your project (including press material, trailers, etc.) to be properly showcased and presented during the award ceremony. By submitting these materials, you grant the Körber-Stiftung and VRHAM! Festival e.V. the rights required to promote the project in all media. Exceptions according to paragraph 3) apply accordingly.
- The organisers reserve the right to reject your submission if your project distorts history or if technical requirements differ substantially from what you have stated in your submission.
Privacy Policy
Within the framework of the XR History Award and in connection with the award ceremony, Körber-Stiftung and VRHAM! Festival e.V. collect, process and use applicant’s personal data. By submitting your work to the XR History Award, you agree to the Terms and Conditions and the use of your data.
More information about the privacy policies of the two organisers:
- Körber-Stiftung https://www.koerber-stiftung.de/en/privacy-policy
- VRHAM! Festival e.V. https://www.vrham.de/en/privacy-policy/
You can at any time change or withdraw your consent to this privacy policy. However, this can lead to your subsequent exclusion from the XR History Award.
Collection, processing and use of all personal data takes place in accordance with the principles of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the German Federal Data Protection Act (BDSG), and on the basis of consent expressed by the participants.
Legal action
The selection of the award winner from the submitted works is made by an independent jury. Körber-Stiftung and VRHAM! Festival e.V. reserve the right to make the final decision with regards to the presentation of the award. This decision is final and cannot be appealed. All decisions are final and binding in all respects and not subject to legal recourse.
If you have any questions or require further information, please contact us.
Fiona Fritz
Programme Director eCommemoration
Martina Zurhold
VRHAM! Festival