Entries by Christine Wegerle

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As Alice falls through the rabbit hole, she enters her own wonderland. Our project shows a free interpretation of this land, which interacts with the spectators in a dimension beyond time and space. The question “whoisalice” is therefore also a question for fiction and reality. ___________________________ Directors: Ai-Nhu Vo, Dorian Behner, Fynn König, Gloria Schulz […]

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Very Frustrating Mexican Removal

An immersive, verbatim 360° documentary about the Canadian immigration detention system. The artwork employs the practice of Verbatim Theatre and techniques and technologies of 360° Cinema to present the events surrounding the death in 2013 of migrant Lucia Vega Jimenez while in detention with the Canada Border Services Agency. The main objective of the project […]

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„Trans//form“ is a choreography looking at the progress of evolution to determine the future of the human body in an increasingly technologized world. Three dancers dance a critical approach to topics like cyborgism and transhumanism, exploring to what extent the human body can be modified, improved or even rendered obsolete through technology. Which importance does […]

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The Memories of Borderline

A unique combination of theatre and Virtual Reality. Schauspiel Dortmund and CyberRäuber create an immersive, interactive virtual space based on the production “Die Borderline Prozession” by Kay Voges. Whereas the three-hour play aims at overwhelming the audience with the concurrency of inconcurrent events, by employing acting, setting, text, and music, this VR experience is a […]

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The Grass Smells so Sweet

The headshot kill has a prominent place in representations and imaginations of violent death in Hollywood cinema and video games. Seemingly influenced by this, Q&A forums like Quora and Reddit regularly feature questions about the experience of getting shot in the head with a firearm. The answers written by survivors give a diverse range of […]

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The Bridge

In Shalenny’s VR work the viewer goes beyond the horizon on a compressed forty thousand kilometers journey around the world. A game of chance, the journey is the outcome of a line drawn from a bridge and further across the world, taking place in the dead of night, where fuzzy silhouettes of people tear along […]

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Summation of Force

“Summation Of Force” is a virtual reality moving image artwork created by internationally renowned photographers Narelle Autio and Trent Parke in collaboration with filmmaker Matthew Bate. Made entirely in their own backyard and featuring Trent and Narelle’s two young sons Dash and Jem (two of Australia’s most talented youth cricketers) this work plays out as […]

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Sea Prayer

To commemorate the second anniversary of the death of Alan Kurdi, the three-year-old Syrian boy who drowned while attempting to reach Greece in 2015, the author Khaled Hosseini, a UNHCR goodwill ambassador, has written “Sea Prayer”. This imagined letter is written in the form of a monologue, delivered by a Syrian father to the son […]

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Sanctuaries of Silence

Silence just might be on the verge of extinction and acoustic ecologist Gordon Hempton believes that even the most remote corners of the globe are impacted by noise pollution. In “Sanctuaries of Silence,” join Hempton on an immersive virtual reality journey into Olympic National Park, one of the quietest places in North America. ___________________________ Directors: […]

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Street artist RONE creates stunning large-scale portraits of women’s faces. They can be found adorning soon to be forgotten spaces, acting as a commentary on gentrification and the masculine realm of street art. The 360° film and interactive VR art gallery takes the viewer inside Rone’s world: we follow him into the rarely-explored spaces in […]